A trademark registration in Qatar is required for business or company seeking to protect their product/ services brand identity and a unique appearance in the market. A trademark can be a name, a word, a phrase, a logo, a symbol, a design, an image, a colour, a phrase, a form, a signature, letters, slogans, a surname, packaging, or any combination of these components. These provide an organization, brand, or individual with a distinct identity.
People frequently mix up Trademarks, Copyrights, and Patents. Although all three are employed to protect intellectual property rights, their aims differ. A copyright is used to safeguard an original creative or literary work. A patent protects an innovation, whereas a trademark protects brand names and logos that are used on goods and services.
Trademark registration in Qatar can be done by submitting the necessary documentation to the Ministry of Economy and Commerce. If you claim to be the owner of a trademark, you must file an application outlining the company’s linked goods and services.
Once the trademark application is submitted to the government, the Trademark can be used in conjunction with the trademark.
Do a research to ensure that your trademark is unique and not registered by another individual or business in Qatar.
Collect the required documents for the trademark application to the Qatar’s ministry of Commerce and Industry(MOCI)
After the application, the MOCI will examine your submitted documents. This is to verify that the trademark meets Qatar’s registration requirements and non-conflicting with any existing trademark.
After successful verification, your trademark will be published in the official Gazette for a 60-day opposition period. During this time, other can oppose the registration if it violate their rights. Otherwise you can pay for the registration and will receive a trademark certificate.
Once your trademark is registered, you will receive several benefits throughout the country. A registered trademark can be used for 10 years and even more after the renewal. It grants you exclusive rights and protection over your trademark and allows you to use.
If anybody who uses your trademark without your permission, you might even submit a complaint against third-party companies that utilize the same or similar trademarks for their products. You can even request that the local customs authorities take action against the importation or exportation of items bearing a similar brand if you have total jurisdiction over your registered trademark.
QCF Global Services will help you to have your trademark accepted and published in the Industrial Property Gazette, which is published on a regular basis. Every step is taken with the utmost care, and you will be able to use the ® Symbol to signify that your trademark has been registered and is legally enforceable.
We specialized in company formation in Qatar can offer guidance and help about how to setup a business in Qatar as well as registering trademark. Feel free to talk to us to know more about this at any time.
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