QCF Global Services


About company classification certificate in Qatar

Company Classification is the procedure of classification of companies based on various factors and to enter the governmental tenders. 

There are 3 types of classification certificates in Qatar:​

Service provider classification

Supplier classification

Contractor classification

How to get a classification certificate in Qatar

Qatar Government is welcoming all small, medium, and large-scale businesses to register for certificates via an online application process. Basic information about the company, products/ services, work experience, etc. must be submitted online.
According to various factors, companies are classified, evaluated, and categorized by the Government Procurement Regulatory Department (GPRD) at the Ministry of Finance.
Once your company products/ services are registered, you will receive the classification certificate from the ministry of finance in Qatar.

Documents required for a company classification certificate in Qatar

  • Commercial Registration Copy (English and Arabic)
  • Municipality License Copy
  • Computer Card Copy
  • Partners Id Copy
  • Tax Card copy
  • Articles of Association Copy
  • Latest Auditing Report Copy
  • Organization Structure
  • Employee Statistics Certificate issued by Labor Department
  • Government work contracts and Completion Certificates with stamps
  • Private work contracts and Completion Certificates with stamps
  • Email and Company phone number registered in Labor Department
classification certificate in Qatar
Benefits of a classification certificate in Qatar

Nowadays, Classification certificate play an important role in your company’s value improvement. It allows industries in obtaining contracts from governmental tenders and other beneficial opportunities for the growth and development of a business firm.

In recent years, Qatar has emerged as a favorable destination for various business and commercial activities. The advent of Classification certificate within the country has helped the development of all industries and provided large-scale benefits and improvements.

Why choose QCF Global Services?
While doing online registration for a classification certificate, you should have aware of each step completion. As a New one, it will be complex and time-consuming. We at QCF Global Services will assist you with the right services and in conducting all the government procedures that your company needs. Having a company classification certificate in your client portfolio will open up many doors for you and future clients will find you much more attractive and they will gain higher levels of trust in your company.​ In addition, We at company formation in Qatar offers all assistance for an affordable company formation in Qatar. Too know more about our services, contact now.